Big decisions

Personal post…

This past year has been one filled with a lot of changes for me. I’ve learned my needs, my weaknesses, my strengths, and that my friends are the best. 

I am also the type of person, that appreciation goes such a long way with me. This past year, dealing with personal issues I have, being isolated in my work from home job, and not feeling like I make a difference in the people I talk to on the phone, that has all taken a toll on me mentally. I didn’t get into nursing for the money and I need to feel like I am doing good for someone, that has been hard for me to get with telephonic nursing. 

Next Friday will be my last day at my job I’ve had for three years. It has been a great company to work for, so it is bittersweet.  I will be going into a field that I have dabbled in before, but the timing wasn’t right due to the logistics, but the patient care was amazing. Hospice. I’ve had some personal interaction with this now, and I loved everyone of the people with them who came through our door when we had my papa here with us. They helped me to help him live out his last few weeks in comfort and with dignity and to leave out of this world peacefully. I know this is where I am meant to be now, it will definitely be rewarding for me. 

I’ll still be trucking right along doing photography as well, as I’m still on the same Monday through Friday schedule so weekends and week nights are for that. 

I’m super excited and can’t wait to get out of this house!! 

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